Sunday, 17 February 2013

Birthday Treats

I celebrated the big 3-0 this week - not as scary as everybody leads you to think it is.... although I definitely do not feel like a grown up!

I had a great week. A friend from home came over for a week and I got to spend some time as a tourist which was nice. He must have brought some Scottish spirit with him because we managed a whole week with electricity (apart from the odd 'light off' but never at night) and full water supply! (touch wood it continues...)

I clearly forgot how draining the heat can be when people first arrive in Ghana as well as the effect it can have on appetite. I may have been slightly over-ambitious in my plans for my friend, but he coped well (and certainly slept well haha).

My birthday week consisted of a people-watching trip to the beach, complete with terrible rasta singers/drummers (cue hysterical laughter at one point as I watched a couple trying to eat their dinner with  this dreadful rasta man singing to them - the poor guy kept catching my eye and laughing. He coped well - for a whole 15 minutes or so!!!); this was followed by an infamous Adabraka party (although it was more of a talking session than a party, man we're getting old) - however my friend did bring over the cheesiest collection of 90s music so that sort of set the tone... We then travelled to Central Region for a few days where we visited both Elmina and Cape Coast Castles as well as Kakum National Park. There are not many people who can say they spent their 30th birthday suspended 40 metres over an African Rainforest. A bit scary but seriously impressive.

We also visited my office at one point where they presented my friend with a Ghana shirt as a thank you to him for donating a laptop. Very very kind of them.

It was really nice to welcome someone from home, and I look forward to doing it again in another 3 weeks or so. It's nice to be able to give people an insight into life here and to know that they will understand my stories, frustrations and pleasures - something that people cannot really do unless they experience Ghana for themselves.

I look forward to seeing what round 2 brings!!

Rachel x

Birthday cakes!!!

Kakum National Park
(Dad, you've traumatised me for life by jumping on the wooden bridges we used to go on when we were kids! The Guide had to take my camera as there was no way I was taking pictures, all my concentration was on walking across these bridges in one piece!)

Beach resort in Central Region