Christmas/New Year were certainly different this year. As mentioned, I spent 9 days at the beach - heaven! There's not much to tell to be honest - the time consisted of laying on the beach, reading, eating and sleeping (or trying to) - that's about it!! Although we did venture out to the nearby town of Elmina one day and paid a quick visit to the castle to hear about the slave trade. The week started with 3 of us and this increased to 14 by New Year's Eve. It was good to catch up with some of the northern volunteers whom we haven't seen since our arrival in September. I'm now back in Accra and it feels like I've never been away - athough despite the lack of sleep, I seem to have quite a bit of energy so the break obviously did some good :-)
I mentioned in my last post that I managed to convinced my office to go out for a Christmas lunch on the last working day. Hmm..... After a lot of faffing, the 7 of us piled into the truck (complete with santa hats) and headed to the restaurant. This took a while as Accra was literally jam packed with traffic - I've never seen anything like it! Anyway, we got to the restaurant and had a quick staff meeting before everybody ordered their lunch - in take out boxes!!! They then thanked me for organising lunch, and disappeared!!!! Think the point may have been missed a little.... However this gives me a baseline to start from to see if we can build up to a sit-down meal next Christmas!
We also celebrated Ronald's 30th birthday just before Christmas by heading out for an Indian meal, complete with Santa hats!! Good times.
Not much else to report at the moment. I've been spending Christmas money (thanks to those who provided cash and presents). I may have overdone it slightly on the fabric side of things, but it's all good - once I can afford a tailor I'll have a nice wee selection of Ghanaian outfits! Next on the list is to figure out how to get to a ceilidh this month, and to organise our first proper Adabraka party to celebrate New Year, birthdays, people leaving....exciting!!
I hope everybody has had a relaxing break and the UK winds haven't done too much damage!!!
Take care
Rachel x
After many failed attempts, this is the best Office picture we could get!
Heading out for Ronald's 30th
Ko-Sa Beach Resort - our home over Christmas/New Year
Elmina Castle - horrifying stories about the slave trade.
Christmas Dinner - Red Red (friend plantain and beans) followed by Apple Crumble

I may have gone overboard with the fabric related purchases... new bag..
... from left to right, fabric will be turned into - sarong, long summer dress, shift dress and long skirt
And another new dress...
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